These sections will explain setting up the project for development.
Setting up in NetBeans 5.0 Beta
- Download the dms-source-xx_xxxx.zip file from the downloads page of this project.
You can also check out the sources from CVS using the instructions available at checkout dms.
- Extract dms-source-xx_xxxx.zip file to any of your working directory. Now onwards, we will refer this directory as
- Above step will create a directory "dms" in <WORKING_DIR> .
- Delete the files build.properties and build.xml in <WORKING_DIR>/dms directory.
This is to utilize all the features NetBeans provides through its ANT build script and built-in TOMCAT installation.
- Launch NetBeans 5.0 Beta version. Select File-->New Project.
- Select "Web" in Project categories and "Web Application with Existing Sources" Projects tab. Click on Next.
Enter or Select the following entries in "Add Existing Sources" page and click on "Next"
Select the directory <WORKING_DIR>/dms as a Location where sources are available.
Enter whatever the name you want to keep for this project in "Project Name" text box.
Select any directory as the "Project Folder" where you want NetBeans configuration files related to this project needs to be stored.
Select "Bundled Tomcat" as server and "J2EE 1.4" as J2EE version.
Make sure you have "dms" as the Context Path.
- Web Pages, Libraries and Source Packages folders will be automatically populated with the
directory names web, lib and src respectively.
- Open the file org/jmonks/dms/application.properties in "Source packages" and modify the repository.root property to the any of the existing
directory, where you want to keep the repository.
- Open the file src/log4j.properties in "Source Packages" modify the property "log4j.appender.devlogfile.File" accordingly.
- Select Run --> Run Main Project (F6). Project will be build and deployed in tomcat.
- Access the application using URL http://localhost:8084/dms .
Working from Command Line
Procedure will be explained shortly.